Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Land Remembered

As far as relating to characters in the book A Land Remembered I would turn back to the start.  The character I would choose is Solomon aka Sol MacIvey. Sol is the 3rd generation of MacIvey, he’s the grandson of Tobias and Emma MacIvey. The son of Zech and Glenda MacIvey. His brother is Toby Cypress who he visits before he heads to Fort Myers to live out his last days. Toby Cypress is the child from affair his father had with an Indian lady named Tawanda.

Sol as a character shows sort of the evolution of American people.  He lived off the land as a child but develops business skills as he grows.  When he’s young he learns to make money off the tourist.  Eventually he personally responsible for development and destruction of his sense of place.
I relate to him in the sense that I got away from the nature. Although my time frame is a lot smaller than his, I definitely have turned back to my sense of place in South Florida. I try to spend as much time on the water or in the woods of South Florida as possible now because that’s where I spent my childhood. I enjoy being out in nature and fishing, but I got away from it in my late teens and 20s. Another issue I can relate to is my career as a civil engineer sometimes conflicts with what I believe in with respect to the environment.  Development puts money in my pocket but as more area is developed a peace of my place is removed usually. I get excited a little when there is some habitat restoration involved.

That’s sort of what happens to Sol, he realizes that in an effort to get ahead he destroyed a place he loves and lost his relationship with Tony (his brother).  He almost had no choice but to go the route he did in life. Though in the end he doesn’t want to see what he feels responsible for.  He probably feels his legacy is ruined and he shows remorse. He talks about how nobody even knows who he is. I think that’s part of the reason he wants to make amends and let his brother knows he realizes he sorry. He goes to Punta Rassa; his sense of place to live the remainder of his life.  He wants end life the way he started, in his sense of place and in good terms with Toby


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